
Every great idea comes from a problem. In our case, we couldn’t find a good curriculum program for middle school math. So instead of continuing to search on the internet for something mediocre, we decided to create our own!

We believe that students who are in need of help can really interact with a bubbly, fun-loving math teacher! She can teach them some math and connect even through a video! We currently have Course 3 of the math curriculum up and running.


How the curriculum works:

Step 1: Purchase a chapter or a full year of curriculum. Once you’ve decided on the proper package you can simply add it to your cart and make the purchase.

Step 2: Download the PDF with all of the links that you will need to get started.

Step 3: Watch the videos, learn some cool math, take some notes and solve some problems!

Step 4: You will be given access to a google drive with additional problems and worked out solutions.