I like math, but I LOVE students!
Another myth about me as a tutor is that kiddos tend to think because I do so much math everyday, I LOVE math! Actually that’s not entirely true. While I enjoy the high that I get from solving math problems, I enjoy the people that I spend my time solving those problems with much more!
Here’s another story from my former life as a college students:
On a very rainy evening (all great stories start out like this, no?) My friends and I were guest bartenders at a Manhattan bar. I really enjoy talking to people and serving them drinks. However, because of the rain, the bar was not packed and we didn’t get to make many drinks or meet many people. But I remember that night fondly because I spent it with a good friend.
Here’s the moral of the story: yes, I do things that I enjoy. But more importantly I do things with people who I like. In fact, that’s one of the questions that I ask all of the tutors I hire – do you enjoy working with kids? That’s the make it or break it question for me.
So if you know of someone who loves working with kiddos and happens to enjoy a specific subject, send them our way! They would make a great addition to 1300 Preparatory Academy team!